Windows 10: End of life

You either love it or hate it, Microsoft Windows 10 has been around since July 2015, it has been used by millions and millions of people for everyday tasks. It is one of the most popular Operating Systems in the world and powers the daily work life.

But the end is near, in October 2025, Microsoft will no longer be providing maintenance and security updates for Windows 10. In essence, Microsoft are putting Windows 10 out to pasture and it’s time for you to upgrade to either Windows 11 or probably by October 2025, Windows 12.

So, what does this mean for you. In short, if you stick with Windows 10, you will be vulnerable to security issues which malicious attackers could potentially use to gain access to your system as Microsoft won’t be fixing any holes which can allow access.

This means that you will need to start looking at what to do, this can depend upon several factors, such as the age of your computer – can it run a new Operating System like Windows 11 or Windows 12, will you need to buy a new computer instead? Which incurs more expense for you.

What about looking to switch to a new Operating System and look at using macOS or Linux as well, they are just as powerful and reliable, but can lack support for games and features that you may use for everyday work.

If you are a business, you can look at paying Microsoft to provide support for you and your aging Windows 10 Operating Systems, but this can be a very expensive solution and is only buying you a little bit of time.

Although there is still a year left at the writing of this blog article, depending upon your circumstances, this may come around very quick. Especially if you are a business and need to comply with certifications such as Cyber Essentials.

Start thinking about what you need to do today, to stay current and protected against the latest threats.