Having a managed security service to take care of your cybersecurity while your business settles into the new way of working, it’s not just the management of IT assets that are no longer located in offices and the support of staff now working from home that businesses need to worry about. It is the management and control of how much work people can undertake.

There has been a lot of news of late about people’s welfare and how working from home and supporting all these systems are now interfering with people’s mental state and making people ill. This is understandable, especially for the larger companies, who may not have had the capability of resources to have a work-from-home environment and the sudden change has increased the amount of work and pressure upon the IT staff.

The new normal is now for businesses to support and rely upon people either working from home full time or a large percentage of the time, where available. This adds extra pressure on IT staff, especially management to ensure that everything keeps on running smoothly.

So how can businesses get around this and relieve some pressure from their staff and reduce costs at the same time?

Managed Security Service

By implementing and subscribing to InfoSec Governance’s managed security service. By signing up to our virtual CISO and/or managed vulnerability scanning services you can be safe in the knowledge that there is an external company that is looking after your business from an information security point of view.

InfoSec Governance will look after your security incidents, help you identify risks, run vulnerability scans, and report upon the findings in an easy-to-understand way.

Our security consultants can also integrate into your IT teams and help work alongside them remotely, this can give additional benefit and support to your IT teams right when they need it.

By allowing our security consultants to take the pressure off your teams, you can concentrate and work on matters that are more important and deemed more critical to the running of your business.

If your business is looking to become more proactive and reduce costs at the same time with regards to information security.  Our managed security service may be right for you. For more information contact us now.