So long Windows 7

Windows 7 has been around for a long time, in fact being released way back in 2009 its been stable part of businesses (and residential) for a long time. However, the writing has been on the wall for a long time and Microsoft has been making noises about getting people to upgrade to their latest version of Windows, Windows 10.

However, the time has come, on the 14th January 2020 Microsoft officially stopped supporting Windows 7 (and Windows Server 2008).  This doesn’t however mean that your computers will suddenly stop working, not at all. All that will happen is that no more security updates will be made available, this will make your devices more susceptible to cyber related attacks and malware infections.

Old but loved

Are you still running these older versions of Windows? People loved Windows 7 due to its ease of use and navigation, it found a place in everyone’s heart, it just worked. In fact, around 90 million units were sold within the first six months of Windows 7 coming out, which is outstanding.

Why should I upgrade?

There are several reasons why you should look to upgrade your old version of Windows, some of these being:

  • Increased Security
  • Reliability & Compatibility
  • Cloud interaction
  • Built-in malware protection
  • Supported Operating System

Needless to say, the above reasons are only scratching the surface and there’s many many more reasons why you should look at upgrading as soon as possible. Why wait, look to upgrade today.