Cyber Essentials IASME becomes the sole NCSC Partner

The 1st of April 2020 marked a big milestone within the UK cyber security landscape with the Cyber Essentials IASME Consortium becoming the sole National Cyber Security Centre Cyber Essentials Partner. From this point on there are no longer the five accreditation bodies to choose from, instead, all certificates will be issued through IASME.

What does this mean for you, the customer? From the customer’s point of view, it’s business as usual when it comes to achieving this certification. If you are going to renew, you can talk to your current certification body and they (if they have moved across) will be able to recertify you.  If, however, your old certification body didn’t choose to move across to IASME, then you can come and talk to us, InfoSec Governance and look at our Cyber Essentials offerings.

Anne W, from the NCSC, wrote a recent blog article discussing the partnership between both companies and how it will benefit everyone moving forward.

Here at InfoSec Governance, we’re looking forward to continuing the work with IASME and are looking forward to the coming years.