Who is InfoSec Governance?
Who is InfoSec Governance? We are the sister company to TeraByte IT Limited, a Cyber Security company based in the North East of England. InfoSec Governance, or ISG, has been setup by TeraByte to streamline the processes of supplying and certifying companies for Cyber Essentials and IASME Governance. After years of TeraByte supplying companies with Cyber Essentials related services, we thought it would be easier and more streamlined moving forward to have a dedicated company to do this. This allows us to allocate more resources and support to businesses, increasing the customer service and helping businesses certify quicker than ever before.
ISG’s goal and objectives are to spread the word of cyber security awareness and hygiene, to help companies further protect themselves and reduce the over all risk of cyber related threats to companies. Through providing services and awareness, through our YouTube channel, we can help companies protect themselves without having to invest in external sources.
If you have been certified by TeraByte in past years, don’t worry ISG will be helping you through the process just like before.
If you have any questions about Cyber Essentials, TeraByte or ISG, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.