Cyber Essentials and IASME Cyber Assurance price increase

Cyber Essentials and IASME Cyber Assurance price increase

From the 1st April 2024, the IASME Consortium, the day-to-day running provider of Cyber Essentials is increasing the price of Cyber Essentials Basic and IASME Cyber Assurance . This will only be a small amount, but its something to keep in mind when budgeting for your Cyber Essentials and IASME Cyber Assurance journey.

The new costs will be by the same for both certifications:

  • Micro business (1 – 9 employees): £320
  • Small business (10 – 49 employees): £440 + VAT
  • Medium business (50 – 249 employees): £500 + VAT
  • Large (250 and above): £600 + VAT

Current the price for our Cyber Essentials Plus offerings are not affected.