How to search for a Cyber Essentials Certificate

Whether you are looking to check to see when your Cyber Essentials certificate is due for renewal, or you would like to check someone else to see if they have a valid Cyber Essentials certificate. The process is very easy and can be found by going to the IASME Cyber Essentials Certificate search page which can be found here:

Once you are on the page, simply type in your company name or anyone else’s and get the results back about the company and what Cyber Essentials and/or Cyber Essentials Plus certificates they have like below.

cyber Essentials Certificate Search

You can then proceed to click on the ‘+’ icon on the right of the certification to find out more information about the certificate, such as date of certification issue, the scope of the certification and the type of certification.

Nothing found

If you are doing a search on a company or yourself and nothing comes up, first make sure you have spelt the name right, if this is correct. No search results will generally mean that either there is no certificate or that their certificate has expired and is no longer valid.